Masonry Services in Birmingham, AL
Got a Teen Driver?
If so, you made need us. We can install that brick mailbox for the first time (or for the third time if necessary!) Use the money you save by hiring ANDAN to pay those extra insurance premiums or maybe on some Driver’s Ed lessons.
Mortar Styles
Mortar is not just mortar. There is a great variety of colors and techniques that can produce a totally different appearance even when using the exact same brick. Who knew mortar joints could be raked, struck, flushed, messy or weeping just to name a few? By altering mortar joint techniques you can produce a casual & relaxed vibe or one that is strictly business & professional. Our Masonry Pros have mastered the process and can help guide you to a finished product that says what you want to say at home or at your business.
Retaining Walls
Retaining Walls serve to keep soil in place. This mostly applies to landscapes featuring small hills where these walls act as a necessary barrier to prevent the soil from sliding forward in a landslide. Brick, block or stackstone can provide functionality plus a variety of styles that will match any outdoor theme. It’s best to get a professional mason to install a masonry retaining wall and we have the knowledge to deliver a finished product that is safe, functional and aesthetically pleasing.
A home’s living space is increased when a patio is added. It can become an outdoor room, a kitchen and dining area, or a private terrace. Once you’ve determined the size and location of the patio, you’ll need to decide what paving material to use. Our masonry professionals will be happy to guide you through the selection process and then give you a professional installation that you will be proud to share with you family and guests.
Stoops & Steps
Like an interview or a welcome party, first impressions are everything. Give your home curb appeal with beautifully laid mortared, brick or stone steps. Your neighbors will be impressed with the classic design and you’ll be glad you contacted our professionals to handle the project.
Ready to expand that kitchen or add a laundry room but you are “out of room” with your current home footprint? An addition can be simpler than you think but you will want a mason who knows how to tie the new footage into your original plan so that it looks like it’s always been there rather than a haphazard afterthought. Include us in your planning and we’ll help you get that finished product.
Pointing or repointing brickwork involves carefully repacking the mortar sitting between the individual bricks, or stone blocks, that make up the exterior skin of your home. Although some may wish to DIY the process it’s often a job that is best outsourced to professionals. Pointing is not a one-size-fits-all process and you’ll want to hire a professional who knows the right method and materials to use for best results on your specific project.
Your cost for a brick, paver or natural stone sidewalk will be determined by the materials that you decide to use. Laying a path with bricks is a great way to add an attractive feature, meandering through your garden or providing an impressive entrance to your home welcoming your guests before you even open the front door.
Brick is a very long-lasting material that can withstand the demands of a fireplace and last for many years. Believe it or not, generally, you can expect a well-installed, properly maintained brick fireplace to last over 100 years. If your chimney needs a little help reaching it’s 100th birthday, give us a call and we’ll be glad to advise you on the brick repair process and produce a finished product that Santa will surely endorse.
QUESTIONS? 205-213-1200